Storage rooms in Zurich
Lagerraum im Medienpark Zürich

Lagerraum im Medienpark Zürich


CHF 5'091.50 - CHF 7'215.00 / Month


470 m² - 666 m²

Storage room

CHF 5091.50 / Month

470.00 m²

Storage room

CHF 7215.00 / Month

666.00 m²


Flurstrasse 55, 8048 Zürich


Net rent: CHF 4'504.00, CHF 6'382.50/ Month

Extra cost: CHF 587.50, CHF 832.50/ Month

Rent: CHF 5'091.50, CHF 7'215.00/ Month


Contract signed onsite
Cancellation on request
Inspection available


Objekt Highlights
  • Etablierte Liegenschaft
  • Spannender Mietermix
  • Attraktive Lage
  • Super erschlossen

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Swiss Prime Site Immobilien AG

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