Our partners

We are building a storage space ecosystem to offer our customers additional services directly from a single source. On storabble you will find everything about storage space – from integrated insurance to sustainable transport boxes and classic self-storage boxes to affordable moving offers. As a one-stop shop for storage space, you can find everything with just a few clicks! 

Storage partner

Our storage space partners advertise their storage spaces directly on storabble and benefit from additional reach and open up a new sales channel. Our customers can easily find all providers in their region and select the offer that suits them. Do you also want to advertise your storage rooms on storabble? Find out more about our range

Ecosystem partner

Our ecosystem partners provide tailored additional services for our customers and are directly integrated into our platform. This makes it possible for storabble to cover all other storage needs in addition to the right storage solution.

Movu is our moving partner.
Movu, Switzerland’s leading moving portal, offers you all the services for your next move conveniently in one place. 

Calingo is our insurance partner. 
Insurtech offers transparent, simple insurance that can be taken out digitally. This enables storabble customers to take out insurance directly when booking. 

Rental BOX is our sustainable boxing partner.
MietBOX is a leading provider of sustainable transport and storage boxes in Switzerland, Germany and Austria. Our customers can rent rental boxes at a reduced price in order to transport and store their items sustainably. 

Innovation partner

Starting field is the innovation network in eastern Switzerland around the Säntis. 
We received a funding package from Startfeld and are currently working together on the further development of storabble. 

Startup@HSG is the “first point of contact” for startups, innovation and entrepreneurship at the University of St. Gallen (HSG). 
As an original HSG startup, we not only benefited from numerous coaching sessions, but were also allowed to be part of the incubator program in autumn 2021 Entrepreneurial Talents Program be. 

Would you also like to become one of our partners? Contact us via info@storabble.com

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